ANZAC Day – Banner March in Canberra

Greater recognition of Stan Hannaford and his warriors who carried and escorted the RCB Banner are seen in the following photos.

Well done those men and the others unseen in these photos:

In the FUP

L to R  Stan Hannaford –  Larry Iliffe – Steve Winthrop – James Thorpe – Neville Miller – Allen Bennett – Peter Kelly.

After the March
L to R  Stan Hannaford –  Larry Iliffe – Steve Winthrop – James Thorpe – Neville Miller – Allen Bennett – Peter Kelly.

As an additional effort on the Day, Peter Kelly doubled up and marched behind the Australian Intelligence Corps Banner. You can see him at the 50th minute of the video marching past the saluting dais replete in RCB cap, tie etc as the only marcher behind their banner.  Peter reports, “I gave an eyes right at the dais, but did not remove my cap.  I wanted the saluting officer to see the RCB veterans’ cap just one more time”.

Here’s to you Stan for your dedication, leadership and action


  1. Absolute Champions the lot of you?

  2. Well done Stan & The Team in Canberra – DUTY FIRST!??

  3. Interesting to note that the announcer introduces the Rifle Company Butterworth Banner with the following:
    “Rifle Company Butterworth was the “OPERATIONAL DEPLOYMENT” of an Australian Infantry Rifle Company, RAAF Base Butterworth, Malaysia during the communist insurgency between 1968 & 1989. Maybe the announcer has inside information with regards to recognition.

    • Kevin,
      Stan provided the text to the Commentators.

    • It was operational because the hard evidence we hold proves it.. Government/Defence can try to say otherwise. Primary evidence does not lie. Bureaucrats do.

  4. Robert Cross, Chris Duffield, Phil Oysten, and I started this fight for RCB service recognition close on 30 years ago, a bloody long time and as long as we have staunch war veteran supporters such as Ted Chitham ( my CO 8/9 RAR) and Bill Parry ( my Section Comd 8 – 8/9 RAR), both with multiply tours of qualifying service and many Vietnam veterans with nothing to gain here, I will continue to fight on, sure we have our knockers, and I know some of them, bugger them this will always be the case.
    Thanks to all who supported our banner parade in Canberra in particular the RCB veterans that rallied around me at short notice to march behind our banner for the first time.
    Maybe next year we will again have the company strength commitment like last year?

    Robert Cross and Stan started it all and some more men joined to give commendable support! In the very early days , someone from Canberra rang me, he asked what we did in THE RCB. I told him honestly what we did do. I did three tours and I knew it would be my last chance to smell cordite and feel the rush of blood again in my veins. We all done a good honest job in the RCB, AND DESERVE the correct recognition.

  6. True and correct text , well done team

The Deception


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