In the Update the email address we stated for Minister Gee was to his Calare Electorate Office. Responses from that address were the standard response. To ensure your email is received immediately by the Minister please send or resend it to this email address [email protected]
Thank you for your response to our Update 3/2022.

Ray Fulcher
RCB Service 1979
Chairman RCB Review Group
29th March 2022
Hello Minister Gee, my name is Glen Rowe l served in Butterworth Malaysia in 1975 2/4 RAR B coy. We were on full alert quite often with extra patrols. There was a curfew in place for locals. We took our job seriously always wondering when we were going to be fired at. I’ve read many stories of how we were only training etc. It is an insult to many of us that served and know the truth. My six years in a infantry battalion took its toll on my body and thankfully l have a gold card. Recognition is a wonderful thing but unfortunately my trip to Butterworth Air Base and my efforts have been belittled, that hurts. For you to change that outlook and credit us for what we were there for would be uplifting with the truth acknowledge.
Good afternoon Minister Gee,
As a previous member of Rifle Company Butterworth (1983), where I carried live rounds and advised to have my weapon on action ready to fire due to communist terrorists in the region. Also having been placed under wartime military law for the time in country.
I have been waiting a very long time for RCB service to be recognised as ‘warlike service’.
I have been awaiting your decision on the RCB submission that was presented to you on 18th October 2021.
Can you please explain the reason/s for the delay in coming to your decision, and whether you will make one before the Federal Election is called? Do you have a position at this point in time?
Best regards,