RCB Recognition – Response to Minister Chester and VCDF’s Rejection

Yesterday, Friday 13th July the RCBRG sent the following to those named and all politicians in the belief that they as evidence based decision makers will read the facts of the matters themselves and act to have the Government’s decision reversed or to recommend the appointment of an independent of government public inquiry.


Dear Minister for Defence Personnel D. Chester and VCADF VADM D. Johnston,

This correspondence to you with copies to all parliamentarians, addresses the recent form letters signed by you Minister and VADM Griggs and in some cases, by individual local politicians who have added some variation.

In all those letters is the continued assertion that Rifle Company Butterworth (RCB) service in Malaysia during the Communist Insurgency War/Second Malaysian Emergency 1968-1989 was peacetime in nature and rejection of our continued requests to have that service properly recognised as warlike. RCB (Army) first deployed to Air Base Butterworth 1 Nov 70. RAAF personnel were already there.

Common to all is a fundamental question – Why won’t the Government consider the facts uncovered by the RCB Review Group and made available to them instead of engaging in a sustained deception regarding RCB’s service?

  • Even though numerous submissions using irrefutable evidence have been made.
  • Even though it has been repeatedly demonstrated where Defence bureaucrats have got it wrong and/or deliberately misrepresented the facts using selective information to uphold a predetermined view.
  • Even though any fair-minded reader can readily see the facts for what they are.
  • Even though the RCB Review Group has not been given the opportunity to personally present and contest the facts with the Government and/or its advisors.
  • Even though nearly every other similar deployment has had initial recognition re-graded (correctly) from peacetime to warlike service.

From all the evidence it is clear that a pre-determined position of denial and deception continues to this day. A deliberate rear-guard action is being carried out by pressured elected officials who are influenced by their professional public service employees whose task is to provide fearless and honest evidence-based advice and support in accordance with their code of ethics. Instead, what began as a strategic deception plan has now become an acute embarrassment for a different generation of politicians and supporting officials. 

Attached are the RCB Review Group’s response and rebuttal of these form letters and a copy of our current complaint submission to the Defence Ombudsman of administrative deficiency and misfeasance within the bureaucracy.

We beseech you and all addressees to consider these documents and, as evidenced based decision makers, to make their own mind up and then act collectively to right this dreadful wrong before we are forced to take the steps necessary to bring this matter before the Australian courts of both legal and public opinion.

As a follow up to this correspondence we will be seeking to meet with all parliamentarians in their electorate office to discuss the matter.

Yours Sincerely,

Robert Cross
Leader RCB Review Group
(07) 3352 4612
0402 986 454
[email protected]
4/15 Gardiner Street
Alderley, Qld 4051
12 July 2018


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Distribution – c.c

The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister
Senator the Hon. Marise Payne, Minister for Defence
The Hon. Bill Shorten MP, Leader of the Opposition
The Hon. Richard Marles MP, Shadow Minister for Defence
The Hon. Amanda Rishworth MP, Shadow Minister for Defence Personnel 
Senator the Hon. Richard di Natoli
Senator the Hon. Pauline Hanson
All Federal Parliamentarians
Secretary Department of Defence
Chief of the Australian Defence Force
Chief of Navy
Chief of Army
Chief of Air Force
Australian Army History Unit
RAAF History Unit




The Deception


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