Update 1/2020 – News Flash


The Australian will publish a news article re our claim for RCB Service Recognition in tomorrow newspaper Friday 28th February.(1)

Over the last two days we have been in discussions with their reporter Paul Maley and provided relevant material. We are not privy to the content of his news report.

As you all know, our endeavours have sought our Right to the Truth and our Right to Challenge the Government’s decision. Working within the Government’s grievance process with evidence from the Governments’ own documents (ex-secret and top secret in over 130 cases) we have been denied due process to engage in meetings with the Minister’s advisors let alone third party mediation.

Our requests for an independent of government judicial enquiry have been ignored

We have long sought the media’s interest to expose The Deception to the Australian public to influence the Government to appoint an independent of Government judicial enquiry. Hopefully, this Australian news report will.

We ask you to re-read our last RCB Update 5/2019: From Deception to Exposure – 2020 Action because it will form the basis for our follow up campaign to the Australian newspaper article with our own personal engagements with all MPS and Senators.

Thanks for your past patience and support. Stand ready for Campaign action.
Be a Supporter – stand up to stand ready – Register Now – Join an Action Group: Scroll down to the bottom right of the home page www.recognitionofrcbservice.com

Sign up – Saddle Up

Ray Fulcher
RCB Service 1979
Chairman RCB Review Group
Date: 27 February 2020 

Note: (1) If you are a digital subscriber to The Australian Newspaper you will have the opportunity to COMMENT on it below the Article


The Deception


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