Recall the DHAAT Tribunal Hearing video on the 23 November 2022 and the access to all submissions.
And note the critical reporting by News Limited media’s Charles Miranda titled ADF defend pretext to war for 9000 veterans and the Channel 9 TV Program A Current Affair
There have been no hearings or meetings with the Tribunal since the 23 November public hearing in Canberra.
Following that meeting the Tribunal wrote to the RCBRG with a single question for us to answer on the likelihood of casualties. Our answer to that question sent to the Tribunal on the 23 January can be seen here. Additional supporting responses have been submitted by Graeme Mickleberg, Ken Marsh (RAAF) and Peter Kelly for the RCBVG (Veterans Group)
The Tribunal also wrote to Defence and asked them to answer a whole lot more than one question. The deadline for responding to the Tribunal is 31 January.
According to the Tribunal the next meeting will be via zoom between DHAAT, Defence, RCBVG and RCBRG at a date yet to be set by the Tribunal.
At that meeting the Tribunal will indicate whether it requires any more public hearings.
Over the Christmas break Defence kept up its best practice staff work by providing the Tribunal with hundreds of pages of mostly irrelevant primary documents dating back to at least Korea. There was barely a mention of RCB or Butterworth in any of them. And yet again Defence provided no analysis of the material presented or how it reflected on RCB service. We can only hope that Defence maintains this level of bureaucratic expertise.
We eagerly await Defence’s answers to the Tribunal’s questions.
Watch this space for developments and particularly the date and location for the second Tribunal Hearing.
Know that the Tribunal makes its recommendation to the Minister for Defence Personnel Andrew Keogh for his decision.
Thanks to you, all our supporters, for your submissions and dogged persistence, patience, perseverance and encouragement over so many years.

Ray Fulcher
RCB Service 1979
Chairman RCB Review Group
Date: 30 January 2023

Great work please keep us informed
Been a long fight but.hope. You All prove them wrong my late husband WO Bill Lair who has passed away served 72/74 please keep up the good work ????????????????????
Hi mate, do we know when we might here something. And what are our chances of success. Neil.
I have spent the last 3 days going through all of the submissions regarding the DHAAT recognition submission by RCBRG. It contains some very interesting reading and shows that a lot of retired defence personnel have put a lot of time and effort into their individual submissions. I took part as RCB ftom Nov 75 to Mar 76 with D Coy 6th Bn RAR as an 18 year old.
I can still recall the QRF callous as I was the gunner in the section and carried the GPMG M60.
Some of the individual submissions by LTCOL (RETD) Gary McKay and MAJ (RETD) Keith Fraser, were part of RCB when I was at ABB. I have just joined your RCB Action Group and, if required, can provide an individual personal submission.
How can I purchase an RCB cap?