Never Give UpHello and thanks for visiting.

In a nutshell our campaign is to have the Rifle Company Butterworth (RCB)’s service recognised as warlike. The Government, despite the facts discovered since its original decision, says its non-warlike service similar to peacetime garrison duty in Australia.

We have provided evidence of a deception that has denied 9,000 Australian troops and their families certain entitlements to repatriation benefits.

In 1970 RCB was deployed to protect the RAAF assets (aircraft, facilities, servicemen and women and their families) at the Air Base Butterworth Malaysia from 1970 to 1989 at the time when Malaysia was fighting its Counter Insurgency War (1968-1989) against the resurgent communist terrorists.

Senator James McGrath – RCB Address to the Senate

Senator James McGrath – RCB Address to the Senate

Senator McGrath is a strong supporter of veterans and their families. We thank him for his support and commitment to the truth. Like US Past President Ronald Reagan, our Senator is a 'Trust but Verify' advocate. Yesterday, he addressed the Senate on the RCB's...

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ANZAC Day March Canberra 2021

ANZAC Day March Canberra 2021

On this Anzac Day in Canberra Stan Hannaford with Peter Kelly will be carrying the RCB Banner in the Parade. Despite pressure from the ACT RSL HQ to hold the normal parade, ACT Health had denied permission due to Covid 19 restrictions. The Parade was restricted...

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Malaysia’s “Second Emergency” (1968–89)

Malaysia’s “Second Emergency” (1968–89)

The upsurge of armed struggle in Malaysia represents one of the lesser noticed repercussions of the 1968 developments in Vietnam and China.  The impact of revolutionary developments in Vietnam and China on the May events of 1968 in France and other Western countries...

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The Australian – Malaya vets campaign on ‘war service’

The Australian – Malaya vets campaign on ‘war service’

The 9,000 men of Rifle Company Butterworth (RCB) are fighting to have their deployment and its risks recognised as warlike service. EXCLUSIVE - PAUL MALEY 28th February 2020 ‘We were put into harm’s way’: Ray Fulcher served in the Second Malayan Emergency The year is...

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The Deception


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